Today I have Nanny from Getting Naughty Between the Stacks over with a great guest post. Thank you Nanny for taking the time during this busy holiday week to join us!
If you haven't visited her blog yet make sure to head on over there after the post. She also has a blog called Naughty Mommy Reviews and Junk (warning: she reviews adult toys & talks about her life) And Nanny's Great Outdoors; a hiking & outdoor blog that is family friendly.

I figured I'd talk today about one of my favorite things to read... porn er I mean erotica. Wait what's the difference? Well if you ask my hubs there isn't one. But if you ask any erotic writer there's a huge difference. Erotica is well plotted, has well defined characters, it has emotion and yes, explicit sex. Porn on the other hand is well, just sex. Sometimes not ever well written sex, just insert tab A into slot B and repeat until... well you know. Yet what gets me is that many people lump the two together. You very rarely see someone sitting on the floor in front of the erotic books at your local Borders. If you do it's probably me. I've noticed that at our local bookstore this section keeps getting pushed farther and farther to the back of the store. If anyone is browsing that section they tend to keep their heads down and avoid eye contact like their doing something wrong. Is this just where I live or do people everywhere act like this?
For the most part many erotic novels are just romance, but spicier. Wait... Um no, that's not true. Ero-rom now that's spicy romance, erotics are a whole 'nother ball game. One thing I've noticed is some erotica is just wham-bam thank you ma'ma. I wonder what's the difference there? That would be a well-developed plot, being able to get to know the characters. Sex is sex, but a good story will last with you. It makes you want to read it again and again. It pulls you in and makes you interested, makes you feel something.
That is the difference between erotica and porn, my friends.
Well said Nanny and too true!
Don't forget to head over to Getting Naughty Between the Stacks to check out Nanny's great articles like Amazon Censor? and Are Book Stores Obsolete?, her fabulous reviews, author guest posts and much more!
Thanks again Nanny for stopping by, I hope everyone enjoyed her guest post! Enjoy your Thursday =)
Well said, hon. I think you summed it up nicely. Not that there's anyting wrong with either (sometimes a quick porn story is just what the hottie doctor ordered), but it's ultimately the story that makes erotica memorable.