Crystal, thank you so much for allowing me to post on your blog.
I recently read an article on the how to's and what not to do when it comes to self publishing. Of course, all the important tasks were there: Hire an editor, have a great cover and proof read your manuscript again and again.
But where I found it interesting was when the writer stressed that one should not self publish until you have all your ducks in a row and you've gained an uncertain amount of mastery in your writing.
So I thought about it…and thought about it some more…until I came to this conclusion: sometimes you have to just jump in, immerse yourself, and learn as you grow.
The assumption is made that the writer has already followed up on the most obvious of tasks like those listed above. But as for garnering experience? I thought of the ten lepers who were healed of leprosy (okay, forgive the corny biblical analogy). If you recall, it’s as they were walking that they were healed. I believe that so it is with the nascent writer, myself included, that as we write, our skills will improve and we’ll learn as we grow.
When we do that, in the process, we become better writers. Our readership lets us know whether they love or hate what we produce. Our skills become honed by fire when we take in the criticism and mine through the accolades in search of what will cause us to improve and grow. I’m glad I pulled the publishing trigger, jumped in and immersed myself. Sometimes it’s in the doing that we learn the most. To borrow an old Nike phrase, I’ll use it to encourage the would-be writer to follow the wise advice of others. But at the end of the day, the week, or the year: You have to just do it!
Here’s to your success!
Here’s to your success!
Terri Wolffe
Author of Desperate Desires
About the author:
In late 2010, I was challenged by the question: “What is it that you’ve always wanted to do, but never allowed yourself to do because of fear?”
The resounding answer for me was: “I’ve always wanted to write an historical romance novel!”
Pouncing on that flash of inspiration, I set out to try my hand at writing my very first historical, erotic romance. Admittedly, I had to ignore the little people in my head who cried out rather loudly, “What will people think? What will people say? What if you fail and fall flat on your face?”
Three months later, Desperate Desires was born. However, I’ll be the first to admit that the only reason I was able to complete it, was because the storyline had been in the back of my head for close to 20 years.
At base, I am an avid reader, I have always enjoyed suspense, thrillers, some paranormal and horror, and of course, my very favorite: romance. My list of cherished authors includes Susan Johnson, Elizabeth Boyle, Robyn Williams, John Connolly, Lee Child, Scott Turrow, John Grisham, Dan Mahoney, Steven Bochco and Phillip Margolin. But these are just a few.
I’m not much of a television watcher, so on any day of the week, you’ll find me reading a book.
Find out more about Terri Wolffe and her debut Desperate Desires at her website
Oh this book looks hot just based by the book cover! YUMMY! :D