Today's Pairing Menu
A Fine Romance (Aisle Bound Trilogy #2) - by Christi Barth
Paired with Risata Moscato d’Asti
Lexi: Lets start with Sam, delicious sexy Sam Lyons the talented bakery owner/chocolatier. Christi writes some great male leads, and he doesn’t disappoint. Just how I like my book boyfriends, gorgeous, talented with their hands (in more ways than one), and a touch of attitude. How bout you ladies, did Sam melt your chocolate?
Crystal L: I'm sorry but Sam did not melt my chocolate. He had potential melting capabilities because when he set out to give the heroine a romantic date, he came through like a champ. I might even copy excerpts of a date or two and wave them in front of the hubs hoping it penetrates that thick skull of his that I love so much. My biggest problem with Sam was that he was a paranoid Momma's boy. His heart was in the right place about it, but the heroine had a lot more restraint than I would have had with him. I would have knocked him over the head about long before she did. *sighs* Such a waste of good chocolatier potential. He did get extra points though for creative use with his chocolate sauce though.
Crystal: Oh, wonderful pick on the wine, Lexi. I love the bubbles, fill her all the way up please! Yum, I can easily picture the bottle sitting on A Fine Romance's store shelf.
Sam definitely had potential in a lot of areas (looks, talent, romance) and I wouldn't turn him down if he offered to melt some chocolate on me! LOL I'm not a big chocolate fan, but like Mira I could be persuaded to come over to the dark side with the right incentives. *winks* But I felt that his attitude was wasted, it wasn't put to use in the right areas - namely his mother. Like Crystal 2 mentioned, I don't think I would have the patience to put up with the Momma's boy schtick.
Lexi: If you haven’t read the first book of the Aisle Bound Trilogy you don’t have the back story to Sam and Mira’s friends. It is a great read, it will have you laughing picturing Ivy and Ben butting heads while filming a reality tv show. In book two you still get to see these two but get dropped into the lives of their friends who happen to be pulled into Ivy’s wedding business. If I had to work next to a bakery I would have some serious control issues, eclairs would be calling my name hourly. Tell me you two have greater restraint than I do!
Crystal: I haven't read the first book in the series but I did enjoy the comrade of the group of characters, as well as the ease in jumping right into the second book in a trilogy. I'm especially interested in Gibs now and all his British accented, abs brandishing glory. Now being next to that would test my restraint more! LOL
Crystal L.: Restraint-schamint! Bring on the tasty goodness! I'd be double my original size if I had to work in a bakery. But YUM, it would almost be worth all of the exercising I had to do to work it back off.
Crystal: Oh, but think of the fun ways you could work it off if you had a sexy neighbor like Sam, minus the mommy issues of course. I'm going to have everyone gasping in their seats with this one, but just thinking of working next to a bakery has be grimacing at all the sugary sweetness. Now, if they served mocha's and lattes there as well that would be an entirely different story!
Lexi: Contemporary romance isn’t a genre I tend to read, but Christi’s books are just the right amount of fun, feistiness, and lovin’. That and I am a sucker for wedding stuff, especially when there are a handful of single hot men around. (waiting for the third book to see who gets to find some chocolate dipped loving). Crystal’s, what did you think? Easy on the palate, cool and refreshing, or make you step back and say This is awesome!?

Crystal L: Easy on the palate for me. The premise of the book was a sweet one with a load of frustration thrown in. I imagine a lot of women will read this book and wish for their own Sam, even if he just wasn't for me. *winks* Chocolate sauce ladies. IMAGINE IT.
A Fine Romance
Aisle Bound Trilogy #2
by Christi Barth
Published March 11th 2013 by Carina Press
Kindle Edition
They say you form your first impression of someone within thirty seconds of meeting them. Or, in Mira Parrish's case, within thirty minutes of not meeting them, when said person is supposed to pick you up from the airport and never shows. This is not a perfect start to her new life. Herfriend Ivy is depending on her to run a new romance store, and Mira can't afford to let her down.
Sam Lyons should probably apologize. But every time he sees Mira--which is often, since his family owns the bakery next to her shop--he can't resist antagonizing her. There's something about the sexy, straight-laced woman that drives him crazy. He can't get involved, though. He has too much baggage to be any good in a serious relationship.
Despite his teasing attitude, Mira finds Sam too sweet to resist. (His hot body may be a factor.) But if there's going to be anything permanent between them, they'll need to let go of their pasts and look to the future...
Available for purchase at: Amazon and Barnes & Noble
*ecopy provided by publisher in return for an honest review
Enjoy your chocolate bunnies!
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