*Singing* "Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you happy birthday Reading Between the Wines..." *Epic guitar solo*
Woo! It is RBtWBC THIRD birthday! Can you believe it? I sure can't! Considering Lexi, Crystal L's and myself's extensive love for music and concerts (And of course books!) we figured, what better way to celebrate the date then with a music festival?! That's right folks, we have some of the hottest - and I do mean hottest- fictional bands and their creators joining us for the next three days to celebrate! We'll have special sneak peaks, interviews, tours, puppies, awesome giveaways and more! So go ahead and pull your inner fan girl out, dust off those boots, slide on the fishnets and lets rock out!
Throw up those fists for Cari Quinn, Taryn Elliott and OBLIVION!!! \m/
Thanks so much for having me and Taryn here today to share a bit about our boys – and girl – from Oblivion. We just kicked off the Lost in Oblivion series this summer with the full-length into, SEDUCED, and Deacon’s book, ROCKED, is coming out this fall. In honor of the birthday festivities, lead guitarist Nick decided to interview Deacon, bassist, peacemaker and all-around good guy with a streak of dirty. ;) Hope you enjoy!
1) Nick: So tell the loyal readers of this blog something, Deak - how the fuck did you get so BIG? Is it all the protein shakes, the obsessive working out or just genes that made you look like you gnaw on your bass for a bedtime snack?
Deacon: It takes double reps to deal with you idiots on the bus. Oh, and that's daily. So...you do the math, genius. *Deacon tosses medicine ball at Nick*
*Nick catches the 20lb exercise ball in the gut with a grunt* Okay, fine, this is about music, so we'll keep it about music. *winces slightly and tosses back* How'd you get so damn lucky to end up with such fine musicians, boy?
D: Is that what this is? luck? Well, I guess if I didn't have shit luck, I wouldn't have any at all. *smirks at Nick's raised brow* No, seriously. We were in the same neighborhood and I caught you and Simon on the pier playing for cigarette money. How many people our age know Bad Company and Sweet Child O' Mine? It was fate.
2) Nick: The bass is pretty cool and all but guitar players do it faster, you know. Did you ever want to swap out instruments and come at it from a different direction? (huh, that sounded dirty...something I'm always *up* for)
D: Perv. You're hanging with Simon too much.
Nick: He doesn't shut the hell up. Yaps all damn night through the bunk on the damn bus.
D: 3 words. Noise cancelling earbuds. *smothers a laugh* You're learning that withering glare thing from Jazz. Impressive. *Sits back on couch and stretches out legs* I'm good with the guitar, and I can play the piano, but the bass feels right. And when it comes to music it's all about what feels right.
3) Nick: My first concert experience was Pearl Jam back when I thought wearing flannel made me look deep. What was yours? If you tell me something with Bret Michaels, I'll fear for your mortal soul, just FYI.
D: First show I paid for my own ticket? or first show I snuck into?
Nick: Both.
D: I had a growth spurt at 12.
Nick: Color me shocked.
D: Hey, being six feet tall gets you into gigs. And drinks.
Nick: And girls.
D: Maybe. But the first show was The White Stripes. First paid one was at sixteen. That one I drank way too much trying to impress a girl.
Nick: How'd that work out?
D: Puke and Black Eyed Peas. What do you think?
Nick: Your puke?
D: The girl.
* Nick claps loudly as he laughs*
4) Nick: Why the hell do you care so much about keeping the peace? Don't you ever want to let loose with me and Pretty Boy when we whale on each other? *looks off-camera* Okay, fine, this is supposed to be a semi-serious interview so I'll change that question to: What kind of satisfaction do you find from melding the tempestuous personalities of the great musical geniuses you have in your midst? *smirks*
D: If I don't keep the peace then the chaos takes over. I'm not letting this band fall into chaos. Period. It means too much. Besides, if I let loose you'd need more than a Band-Aid like when you fight with Pretty Boy.
5) Nick: So how do you feel about groupies? Also - what's your preferred way to FEEL UP groupies? I mean, now that we actually have some. You aren't really looking to get settled down right when we've finally hit the jack-off jackpot, are you? (I heard a rumor. No, of course I don't pay attention to gossip mags. Unless they have dirt on Simon - then it's ALL true.)
D: Settled down isn't a bad thing. A new woman in my bed or my bunk...or if you're Simon, whatever closet is available...isn't my bag. I like knowing just where to touch my girl and learning all the things that make her tick or make her sigh. I like seeing that same smile spread just for me. The same woman isn't a bad thing, bro. Not at all. The groupie deal is way overrated.
…See what I mean? Deacon’s a good guy who isn’t afraid to do whatever it takes to win over the heart of his woman. Which brings me to my question for the readers of this blog: do you like bad boys or good guys? Tell us why! All commenters who leave their email address will be entered to win a signed copy of SEDUCED plus some fun swag. So comment away! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Reading Between The Wines!
Want to keep up with the band? Visit www.lostinoblivion.com
Visit Cari Quinn at www.cariquinn.com and Taryn Elliott at www.tarynelliott.com
Lost In Oblivion
Twenty-three year old Nick Crandall has one focus in his life: Oblivion, the band he formed with his best friend Simon Kagan. With gigs coming up and the band members lacking focus after losing their drummer to rehab, they’re out of ideas. Until Oblivion’s bassist, Deacon McCoy, poses a surprising suggestion.
Bring in someone new. Two someones.
One You Tube video gone viral later, Oblivion is poised on the brink of stardom. With their new hot drummer chick — who comes in a package deal with a talented guitarist who happens to be head over pick in unrequited love with her – it seems like everything’s falling into place. Or will the band Nick and Simon have fought to keep together disintegrate before their eyes?
Four guys & one woman + more success than they ever bargained for = trouble, of the sexiest kind.
Get Seduced by this novel-length introduction to the band Oblivion. This preview occurs before the four forthcoming books about each of the band members. Sometimes getting lost means finding yourself…

Birthday Music Festival Rock Star Giveaway!
The fabulous authors joining us to celebrate our birthday have each donated one of their books in digital format to giveaway to one reader. One reader will receive six rockin' ebooks at the end of our event! \m/ Enter using the rafflecopter below. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Such gorgeous covers. :) Love them all. :)
ReplyDeleteHappy 3rd birthday! Love the rock band theme.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday RBtWBC!!! What a great lineup of books!
ReplyDeleteArgh. I left a comment yesterday, but my phone must have eaten it.
ReplyDeleteThank you SOOOOO much for allowing Cari and I to be part of your 3yr Birthday!! We were so psyched to get the invite.
And your review is one that I always revisit when I need a pick-me-up. LOL Congrats on your success with the blog. Here's to at least 3 more years!
Congratulations on your third birthday!!!!
ReplyDeleteI like bad boys. With a good guy, there is no mystery. With a bad one, you have to search and investigate to find that good parts. Along the way, it helps you to find the good that you may not know you have.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations and Happy Birthday!Thanks for the great party.
ReplyDeleteI love a good guy who is totally alpha hot! =D