Today we would like to welcome two authors that came together for one great paranormal romance; Sherrill Bodine and Patricia Rosemoor!
What was your favorite part of Written in the Stars to write and why?
HONESTLY, I LOVE THIS BOOK! My historical portion combines my fascination with Reincarnation, my passion for history and my love of writing intrigue - it was all so compelling, I can't choose. However, if I MUST pick a favorite - it was writing Elizabeth's journal entries which connect both parts of Written in the Stars - the words just flowed from my pen - that happens rarely for me!
Danger scenes are my favorite, so the “big finish” in which Cordelia and the hero have to fight the villain is my favorite. The underwater face off is not only exciting and action oriented, but one of the most compelling pieces of the romance.
What would you like your readers to know about this book?
Written in the Stars is the powerful story about two indomitable women and a love so strong it defies time and space.
Written in the Stars doesn’t just push the edge but crosses it in terms of what a typical romance novel is. I’m hoping readers will enjoy reading a reincarnation romantic suspense story in which they get both lives of the heroine, hero & villain – both the historical romance and the contemporary.
Does travel play in the writing of your books?
I absolutely adore on-site research to bring the sights, smells and sounds to my readers! For other books, I traveled to New Orleans to visit a Voodoo Priestess, went to prison, observed open heart surgery to name a few -- for Written in the Stars I visited castles all over England - one of my favorite spots on the planet!
One of the things I fear is getting something wrong, so yes, if I’m going to set a book in an unfamiliar area, I do my best to get there. I stopped taking “vacations.” Instead I take “research trips.” I started researching the Florida Keys and sailing and sunken treasure with my late husband Edward years ago. The late Mel Fisher was best known for finding "The Atocha Motherlode" worth $450 million, and we saw Mel Fisher’s Maritime Museum. An inspiration for the Celestine in Written in the Stars.
Did you always think that you would be an author?
I won a pair of ice skates in a state wide essay contest run by a television station when I was in the 7th Grade - my first "writing credit" - and the true beginning of my overwhelming desire to be a published writer. But even before that stories would run through my head like a film - the teachers called it "daydreaming" - I called it "creating" - I still do!
I had no idea, but when I was a kid, a friend and I used to skip the lunch line and walk to the park a mile from school. And we used to entertain each other with stories we made up. Every day. And then we sucked in a couple of other kids, convincing them our stories were true. My favorite was passing a house that had symbols painted on the side. I told the kid with us that it was a message for a secret cult meeting that night. And the meeting was being held inside the tunnel under the nearby railroad. I pointed out the metal box that probably had some kind of controls and said that was the entrance.
What would you like your readers to know about you?
I wish I could personally tell all my readers that I will never get over my awe and gratitude that they are willing to spend their hard earned money and their precious time reading a book I have written. Their support means everything to me!
Although I’m a city girl, I’m drawn to anything having to do with nature, whether camping or horses or learning to sail. I’m an animal rescuer, conservationist and gardener, and I’ve created a peaceful, plant-filled garden that’s my favorite place to write. My goal was to help bring nature back to my little part of the city, and this spring, a familiar rabbit (I swear the same one who frequented the yard last year) raised her babies under my bleeding heart bush. Most of my novels have some element having to do with nature or animals. Written in the Stars has both – the sea and sharks :)

by Patricia Rosemoor, Sherill Bodine
Goodreads - B&N - Amazon
In 1601, Lady Elizabeth York's star-shaped birthmark proclaims her a child of magic. When she arrives at Dunham Castle to marry Carlyle, heir to the Duke of Lennox, she finds enchantment in the eyes and touch of Will Grey, the Duke's bastard son. Bewitched by Elizabeth, Will defies all for their love, and his jilted half-brother places a curse on them both.
Searching for a treasure ship sunk long ago, present-day marine archaeologist Cordelia Ward is pursued romantically by both salvager Innis Foley and treasure hunter Morgan Murphy. She is haunted by a murderous nightmare where one man is the killer and the other the victim. But which man is her enemy--which one her soul mate? Can a journal that belonged to her ancestress, Lady Elizabeth York show her the time to save her true love?
Chased by evil, two women discover their own magic to fight a villain's curse on the Posey rings that draw them to the men they are destined to love.
Thanks so much for inviting us to chat with you and readers - truly appreciate your support! Happy Reading! xo Sherrill
ReplyDeleteCelebrating a novel that is unique was really special -- our launch party was on Tuesday -- and Sherrill and I hope our readers think our story is equally unique and special. Thanks for taking an interest in Written in the Stars :)