Happy Wednesday, lovelies. I hope everyone's week is going well! Today we have author, Caridad Pineiro joining us with her book, To Love and Serve.
It’s hard to believe that THE CALLING series, now REBORN for Entangled Ignite, is nearly ten years old! Not to mention that TO LOVE AND SERVE is the 13th story in the series. ACK! Number 13!! Not that I’m superstitious or anything. LOL!
Seriously though, with that many stories it’s been a challenge to keep things fresh and different, especially considering how many vampire stories are out there.
One way I’ve done it with the stories in THE CALLING/REBRON is by mixing up the nature of the suspense stories. In one book the suspense was more human-oriented, like a serial killer (DARKNESS CALLS and FOR LOVE OR VENGEANCE). In other books the suspense was otherworldly, like a case involving a banned vampire drug that created incredible blood lust and threatened to expose the existence of vampires to the human world (FURY CALLS).
I’ve also mixed up the kinds of romances in the story lines, from having ones where the hero was a human with special powers (DEVOTION CALLS) or the heroine was the vampire (KISSED BY A VAMPIRE). I especially liked having a female vampire who was quite powerful and had no qualms about taking a bite out of someone when appropriate.
One other thing I’ve done is to introduce vampires that don’t fit the mold of European vampires. In DEVOTION CALLS the vampire was a chupacabra – the Latino kind of vampires – and in FURY CALLS it was a chiang-shi, an Asian vampire.
With the new books in the series under the REBORN titles, it’s been great to further explore Diana and Ryder’s relationship in a new way, namely, by showing the development of their relationship over three books – TO LOVE AND SERVE, BORN TO LOVE and DIE FOR LOVE. It’s something that I’ve wanted to try for some time, namely, to have a romantic arc that carried across multiple books, although each book stands alone and has its own happily-ever-after.
The other thing I’ve loved doing over these books is having a second strong romance in addition to the suspense plus a greater development of the paranormal world. Little by little you’ll see the introduction of a Slayer Council, a council of vampire elders and a collection of shifters of all different kinds!
I hope you’ll enjoy all the ways that I’ve tried to keep the vampire worlds fresh, exciting and romantic for you!

By Caridad Pineiro
Amazon | B&N
Born to Love…Five years ago, vampire Ryder Latimer stepped into the path of a bullet meant for FBI Agent Diana Reyes, at once saving her life and condemning her to death when his blood contaminates her open wounds. Now only an experimental treatment, transfusions, and allowing Ryder to sink his teeth into her when they make love keep her alive.Born to Survive…Ryder has always known that no matter what they try, Diana can’t possibly survive what contact with his blood did to her. The reality for him is that no matter how much he loves her, he will lose her if he doesn’t turn her—a choice Diana may have put off for too long.Born to Serve…Even as her health continues to deteriorate and they battle with that difficult decision, Diana tracks a serial killer targeting their vampire friends. It’s a dangerous job, but she was born to it and, with Ryder’s help, she’ll serve and protect until the day she dies—or until a miracle turns their world upside down.
Caridad Pineiro Bio:

New York Times and USA Today bestselling paranormal and romantic suspense author Caridad Pineiro wrote her first novel in the fifth grade when her teacher assigned a project – to write a book for a class lending library. Bitten by the writing bug, Caridad continued with her passion for the written word through high school, college and law school. In 1999, Caridad’s first novel was released and over a decade later, Caridad is the author of almost forty published novels and novellas. When not writing, Caridad is an attorney, wife and mother to an aspiring writer and fashionista.
Website http://www.caridad.com/
I always enjoy the snippets Caridad gives us! Congrats!!!