Hang up the veil ladies, our guest today has a new series! Welcome Christi Barth!
Lexi: Welcome back Christi! We have some pomegranate prosecco spritzer ready and waiting, a perfect summer drink to go with your summertime release: Up to Me, Shore Secrets #1! I am so excited you have a new series, though I will always adore your Aisle Bound series I can’t wait to hear about this one. So tell us your pitch for it and how many books are planned?
There are (for now!) three books in the Shore Secrets series. Up To Me is the story of a hard-nosed businessman with contempt for small-town America who is forever changed by the love of a sexy hotel owner and a quirky but tight-knit community famous for its anonymous journal by the lakeshore. Don't worry - its got all the components you loved in the Aisle Bound series: a tight-knit group of friends, a gorgeous setting that is a character in its own right, steamy sex, and, oh yeah, an HEA absolutely drenched in romance.
Lexi: Eee! An undercover hottie who has to fall for the girl he is targeting. And he has a great name, Graydon, love it. Oh men who think they can get away with lies only it comes back to bite them in the butt. Did you have any gleeful moments writing the scene when Ella finds out the truth?
Only the glee I felt when I was finished with it. I hate conflict. I love my characters too much to enjoy doing bad things to them. I want to write books full of nothing but witty banter and flirting. You guys would be okay with that, wouldn't you? Especially with a couple of hot sex scenes to top it all off?
Lexi: Up to Me is set in a small town and you use that to the fullest. How, you may ask, dear readers? How else, bring in the nosy small town neighbors and let them meddle in other’s love life. I grew up in a small town and that isn’t too far off the mark. What was your favorite thing about this tiny town on Seneca Lake?
I'm an only child, so the idea of an extended family made up of the whole community truly appeals to me. In theory. The amount of loving intrusion practiced by the characters in my book, while funny - I promise! - would probably drive me bonkers in real life. Ooh, and I'm also partial to the old-fashioned general store I inserted as a gathering place for breakfast, lunch and dishing the dirt. My friends and I do that on Gchat, which has neither donuts nor meatloaf sandwiches like Cosgroves General does.
Lexi: Seneca Lake sounds like a great vacation spot. Do you have anything fun planned this summer, or any book conventions you will attend?
I just finished a personal record of three conventions in four weeks - RT in New Orleans, BEA in New York, and RAGT in Cincinnati. I think I gained five pounds and lost my voice, but had a terrific time. Now in August, I'll be heading to the beach for a week to relax (and probably gain the aforementioned five pounds back from subs and cheese and chips).
Lexi: I wish I could say I had some amazing plans...since I do not I will take my vacation on the shores of Seneca Lake with Ella and Graydon!
Thank you so much for stopping by to talk about your new series! Congrats on the release Christi! Aww, thanks - I always do hope that my books provide a virtual vacation for people. Or at least a great escape.
Full blurb if you want it:
Ella Mayhew's always appreciated the beautiful view of Seneca Lake from the spa window of her family's hotel.But the view improves dramatically when a hot stranger runs across the grounds—shirtless. He's the first man to kickstart her hormones in the three years since she lost her parents, and she doesn't even know his name.
Graydon Locke's on his umpteenth undercover assignment. The routine's always the same: assess a business, recommend it for closure, then roll out before anyone discovers his decisions impact hundreds of lives. He's always believed nothing good comes out of small towns. Why would this one be different? Then he makes two classic rookie mistakes—falling for the sweet, sexy girl who owns the very business he's on the verge of axing. And letting the town's residents get involved in both his life, and his relationship with Ella.
Ella's the best thing to ever happen to Gray, but he's lied to her from the start. If he pulls the plug on Mayhew Manor, the entire town may crumble. Ella couldn't save her parents, but it's up to her to save their hotel. Even if that means turning her back on true love.
Add UP T ME to your Goodreads Shelf or purchase it today at Amazon and B&N!
I am such a Christi Barth fan and am looking forward to this book and the series. Thanks for a great interview!