
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

#Review: Changing Everything by Molly McAdams - 3 Wine Glasses

23015992Title: Changing Everything 
Series: Forgiving Lies #2.5
Author: Molly McAdams
Format: ebook, 112 pages
Published: March 3rd 2015 by William Morrow Impulse
ISBN: 0062391402 
Links: Goodreads | Amazon | B&N
Reviewer: Crystal 
Source: Edelweiss
Rating: 3 out of 5 Wine Glasses

Paisley Morro has been in love with Eli since they were thirteen-years-old. But after twelve years of only being his best friend and wingman, the heartache that comes from watching him with countless other women becomes too much, and Paisley decides its time to lay all her feelings on the table.

Eli Jenkins has a life most guys would kill for: Dream job, countless women, and his best friend, Paisley, to be the girl he can always count on for everything else. But one conversation not only changes everything between them, it threatens to make him lose the only girl who has ever meant anything to him.

When tragedy strikes his family and Eli is forced to reevaluate his life, he realizes a life without Paisley isn’t a life at all. Only now, he may be too late.

Crystal's Thoughts:
Molly McAdams knows how to deliver a compelling read from beginning to end and her latest novella, Changing Everything, is no exception. 

We first met Eli Jenkins in Forgiving Lies as Rachel and Candice's brother. Changing Everything follows the same timeline, and we see the hospital scene with Rachel and Kash from Eli's perspective. However, Changing Everything makes a very good stand-alone for those who are new to the series. 

Eli and Paisley Morro have been best friends since they were thirteen. But Paisley has always seen Eli as more then a friend, she has been in love with him since the day she met him. Unfortunately, Eli is clueless to Paisley's feelings and often uses her to fend off his previous one-night-stands, ripping away pieces of her heart in the process. When Eli is faced with the possibility of loosing Paisley forever he realizes that he has loved her forever, loosing her would be like losing a piece of his soul. Is Eli's realization too little, too late though? 

Changing Everything is a wonderful addition to the friends turned lovers trope and Molly McAdams delivers another heartfelt story to add to your collection. Molly's writing is gripping, dragging you right into the story alongside the characters. However, there was considerable less angst and emotional turmoil then what I have come to expect from this author. With the novella length of this title, that worked though. Readers still receive McAdam's classic spin on love triangles that I don't think any of her books can go without, no matter how frustrating! lol  With Paisley and Eli, you have two characters that you know are perfect for each other but of course it takes the male lead a few little nudges to realize that. The ending was wrapped up a little too neatly for my taste but all in all, Changing Everything was a short and sweet story. As always, I look forward to more books from this hugely talented author! 

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