A Note From the Author . . .
Redemption is the third and final book in the “World Without Love” series. The series is a continuing story and meant to be read in sequence, beginning with Book One, Betrayed, followed by Book Two, Reunion. All books in the series are available in Kindle eBook and paperback from Amazon. The “World Without Love” series contains mature content and is intended for an 18+ audience.

(World Without Love #3)
by Jaye Frances
Kindle Edition
Published November 17th 2016 by Redstone Press
In this final chapter of "World Without Love," Jewel is rescued from Bangkok’s evil flesh markets by a covert government agency. Haunted by her last memories of Annie, Jewel vows to do whatever it takes to find her friend—hopefully in time to save her from Gregory’s sadistic and murderous intentions. In her new position as an embassy hostess, Jewel forms alliances with political attaches and power brokers, hoping one of them can help her find Annie—still alive.
Recognizing Jewel’s special assets, her supervisors offer her more responsibility, releasing her from the constant scrutiny of the all-seeing agency network. Jewel quickly realizes she’s been granted another advantage, one her superiors could not have anticipated: the chance to extract revenge on all those who attempted to destroy her life.
But again, the hand fate touches Jewel’s heart, forcing her to choose between the new man in her life and the one who helped her escape a dismal world of enslavement and cruel domination.
Excerpt from Redemption
“Get a better offer?”
Mike was grinning, wondering where I’d been.
I didn’t want to lie to him. He’d been the perfect escort all evening, buying me dinner, introducing me to his friends, and never once putting the hard press on me. As far as I could tell, he had few if any expectations—and if he did, he was keeping them well hidden.
“I was in the laundry room, fucking that guy Larson introduced us to.”
“Uh-huh. You know, I get that same urge every once in a while. I gotta admit, there’s nothing like getting my rocks off while sitting spread eagle on a front-load Kenmore.”
He didn’t believe me! Perfect. Now I had to come up with a story he would believe. “I’m sorry, I’m afraid I haven’t been very good company this evening. I’ve been making regular visits to every bathroom in the house, fighting a queasy stomach. Might’ve been the hollandaise sauce. I know, you warned me. And now, I’m paying for it.”
His good-natured teasing turned to concern. “Do want me to take you to your hotel?”
“Yeah, probably best. I think I’d feel better if I could lie down.”
Taking my arm, he plowed a path through the living room, toward the front door.
I felt a little guilty, using him. But I had what I needed. I’d exchanged cell numbers with Tommy, extracting his promise that he would call me when he made his next visit to Hong Kong.
New-“Let’s stay in touch,” I’d suggested. “No strings, just talk and some fun, if you want.”
From the gleam in his eyes, he wanted it plenty.
As the car left the parking garage and drove onto the main street, I was struck by the intense glow from multiple layers of blazing neon. Although I’d noticed them on the ride over, we’d arrived in the hazy twilight of a late setting sun, preventing me from seeing the floating panels of red, yellow, blue, and green in all their gaudy and garish glory.
“I thought the Vegas strip owned the title for tacky, but this is surreal.”
“Lots of people think it’s an art form, something to be preserved. And there are just as many who complain about light pollution and the waste of energy.” Mike paused. “Feeling better?”
“I really am. Thanks for not insisting we stay.”
“I was ready. I usually leave after an hour or so, about the time it takes to say hello and do a little catching up with people I know.”
“Ever meet anyone new?”
“All the time. But after we cover the basics, there’s not much to say. Tonight, it was all about you.”
“What do you mean?”
“It gave me a chance to show you off, get credit for bringing some premium eye-candy. And from the looks you were getting, I’m pretty sure my stock rose a few points.”
“You fucker!” I poked at his ribs with an imaginary sword. “I still don’t know when you’re being serious and when you’re screwing with me.”
He reached around my shoulder and drew me close. It was the first real move he’d made all night. And yet, it was so spontaneous, so innocent, I never considered rejecting it.
It suddenly dawned on me. I was in the back seat of a limo with an attractive, successful, intelligent guy who apparently liked me. He had just taken me to a party filled with the wealthy and powerful. And now, we were driving through the streets of Hong Kong at one o’clock in the morning.
It was the fantasy of any young woman. But I’d been so absorbed in thinking back about my conversation with Tommy, I was missing out on the present moment.
It was time to take a break. For the rest of the ride I would open my senses to the here and now, experience my surroundings from the perspective of a single gal having a night on the town with a handsome bachelor.
I brought my hand to Mike’s cheek. From the slight lurch of his head, it surprised him.
“Leftover canapé on my face?”
“Don’t know. I’ll check.” I brought my lips to his. Nibbling at this mouth, I teased him with my tongue, offering it, then pulling it back. There was no agenda, just a desire to feel the rush of a sweet kiss, the press of his body against mine, the sensation of his cock sliding deep inside me.
And I wanted it now.
Here. In the backseat of this limo.
World Without Love Series
About the Author:

Jaye Frances is the author of “World Without Love,” a suspense thriller series with an erotic edge, including Betrayed, Reunion, and Redemption. Her other books include The Beach, a sci-fi supernatural tale about the possibilities—and horror—of wishful thinking; The Kure, a paranormal-occult romance novel; The Possibilities of Amy, a coming-of-age story of first love; and Love Travels Forever, a collection of poignant short stories. Jaye lives on the gulf coast of Florida, sharing her home with one husband, six computers, and several hundred pairs of shoes. http://www.JayeFrances.com
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