In preparation for the Disney live-action film, Penguin Classics is releasing a new edition of BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, edited by preeminent fairy tale scholar and Harvard professor Maria Tatar. As you may know, Disney’s live-action 3D musical film starring Emma Watson premieres on March 17th and this new edition celebrates the classic fairytale and other human-animal “tales as old as time.”
Nearly every culture tells the story of BEAUTY AND THE BEAST in one fashion or another. The partnering of beasts and beauties, of humans and animals in all their variety has beguiled us for thousands of years, mapping the cultural contradictions that riddle every romantic relationship. In this fascinating volume, fairy tale scholar Maria Tatar brings together tales from ancient times to the present and from a wide variety of cultures, highlighting the continuities and the range of themes in a fairy tale that has been used both to keep young women in their place and to encourage them to rebel, and that has entertained adults and children alike. With fresh commentary, she shows us what animals and monsters, both male and female, tell us about ourselves, and about the transformative power of empathy.

Classic Tales About Animal Brides and Grooms from Around the World
by Maria Tatar
Paperback, 196 pages
Published March 7th 2017 by Penguin Classics
ISBN 0143111698
Perhaps no fairy tale is as widely known as 'Beauty and the Beast' - and perhaps no fairy tale exists in as many variations. Nearly every culture tells the story in one fashion or another - such cultural phenomena as The Fault in Our Stars and Me Before You are recent examples - and it is impossible to find one version that laid the foundation for the rest. From Cupid and Psyche, India's Snake Bride to South Africa's 'Story of Five Heads', the partnering of beast and beauties has beguiled us for thousands of years.
In this fascinating volume preeminent fairy tale scholar Maria Tatar brings together tales from ancient times to the present and from a wide variety of cultures.
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beauty and the beast is my favorite fairy tale