Our guest today is often seen in the spotlight! Seriously, check out our posts on her, she’s always in our spotlight and we love giving her lost of wine glasses! So please join us in welcoming, Jill Shalvis!
Lexi: Ahhh! Jill Shalvis!! We’ll stop fangirling and get down to your newest release, Heartbreaker Bay book eight: WRAPPED UP IN YOU. I read the title before I saw the cover and it evoked an image of a warm, cozy blanket, snuggling up with my hunny and some good coffee. So I was excited to see the cover, covered in snow! Does the title reflect Ivy and Kel’s story, or does it embrace the season?
Jill: Both! I’ve had Kel on the back burner for a long time, poor guy. I was waiting for the right story and heroine to come along for him. And enter Ivy Snow. ☺ Let’s just say that the cowboy and the taco truck girl are very quickly “wrapped up” in each other.
Lexi: Let me pour you some AlbariΓ±o, it’s a light bodied white wine that pairs well with Mexican food, and it smells wonderful! Scents are powerful, like your heroine, Ivy. Sweet, quiet Ivy who has been in the background of the Heartbreaker Bay series so far, but we now get to see her scars. What is your favorite quirk or strength of Ivy’s?
Jill: I’m not sure I’d call Ivy sweet or quiet. She’s had to fight for everything she’s got, so she’s scrappy, fiercely independent, street smart, and determined, all of which makes her a feisty smartass. ☺
Lexi: Not that anything about writing is easy, but there is a difference between moulding strengths and weaknesses, and weaknesses are far trickier to balance. And Ivy’s past has kept her pretty solitary up till now. That’s a hard bridge to cross to true love, what was your key ingredient to bringing Ivy and Kel together?
Jill: Her past has blocked that bridge to love. For sure. She’s afraid to need someone. But Kel appreciates her strength, falls for her just as she is, and that helps a girl out a LOT and is pretty irresistible.
Lexi: Trust is incredibly powerful. But right now I’m feeling another strong emotion, mustreaditis. My TBR pile is updated, a day set aside for reading, I’m ready for Ivy and Kel’s story! Your books are heartwarming, moving, and so addictive, a huge congrats on WRAPPED UP IN YOU, Jill! And thank you so much for stopping by to give us a glimpse into your characters lives. Cheers!

(Heartbreaker Bay #8)
by Jill Shalvis
Kindle Edition
Expected publication: September 24th 2019 by Avon
It’s love. Trust me.
After a lifetime on the move, Ivy Snow is an expert in all things temporary—schools, friends, and way too many Mr. Wrongs. Now that she owns a successful taco truck in San Francisco and an apartment to call home, Ivy’s reinvented life is on solid ground. And she’s guarded against anything that can rock it. Like the realities of a past she’s worked hard to cover up. And especially Kel O’Donnell. Too hot not to set off alarms, he screams temporary. If only his whispers weren’t so delightfully naughty and irresistible.
Kel, an Idaho sheriff and ranch owner, is on vacay, but Ivy’s a spicy reason to give his short-terms plans a second thought. Best of all, she’s a tonic for his untrusting heart, burned once and still in repair. But when Ivy’s past intrudes on a perfect romance, Kel fears that everything she’s told him has been a perfect lie. Now, if only Ivy’s willing to share, Kel will fight for a true love story.
About the Author:

New York Times bestselling author Jill Shalvis lives in a small town in the Sierras with her family and far too many assorted quirky characters. Any resemblance to the quirky characters in her books is, um, mostly coincidental.
Look for Jill's latest, LOST AND FOUND SISTERS on shelves and e-readers now, and get all her bestselling, award-winning books wherever romances are sold.
Visit Jill's website for a complete book list and daily blog detailing her city-girl-living-in-the-mountains adventures. http://jillshalvis.com
Lol! Wrapped up in each other! So cute!!